Short track

Anna Seidel won a bronze medal at the European Championships in Dresden




Few sports are as intense and quick as Short Track. One of the quickest during the European Championships in Dresden, Germany, was Axelent-sponsored Anna Seidel, 19. The young German put her best foot forward in front of her home fans to win the 1000 metre bronze medal.

This is Anna’s second medal in a large international championships at senior level. Her career took off early as she was only 15 when she took part in her first Winter Olympics. Injuries have hindered her development since then. At this year’s PyeongChang Winter Olympics, her best finish was 15th in the 500 metres. But Anna is already looking forward to the next Olympics with confidence. She has the talent, and with her young age she definitely has time on her side. 

Photo: Anna Seidel at full speed on the Short Track course.




5 quickies 
with Anna Seidel

City or countryside?

Activity or relaxation?

Eat out or at home?

Favourite place?
At the ocean

Hidden talent?
Fable for fashion and photography

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